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Working with pytest on PyTorch


To run the code in this post yourself, make sure you have torch, ipytest>0.9, and the plugin to be introduced pytest-pytorch installed.

pip install torch 'ipytest>0.9' pytest-pytorch

Before we start testing, we need to configure ipytest. We use the ipytest.autoconfig() as base and add some pytest CLI flags in order to get a concise output.

In [1]:
import ipytest


default_flags = ("--quiet", "--disable-warnings")

def _configure_ipytest(*additional_flags, collect_only=False):
    addopts = list(default_flags)
    if collect_only:

def enable_pytest_pytorch(collect_only=False):
def disable_pytest_pytorch(collect_only=False):
    _configure_ipytest("--disable-pytest-pytorch", collect_only=collect_only)

If you work on PyTorch and like pytest you may have noticed that you cannot run some tests in the test suite using the default pytest double colon syntax {MODULE}::TestFoo::test_bar.

In [2]:
%%run_pytest[clean] {MODULE}::TestFoo::test_bar

from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import TestCase
from torch.testing._internal.common_device_type import instantiate_device_type_tests

class TestFoo(TestCase):
    def test_bar(self, device):
        assert False, "Don't worry, this is supposed to happen!"

instantiate_device_type_tests(TestFoo, globals(), only_for=["cpu"])
1 warning in 0.01s
ERROR: not found: /home/user/
(no name '/home/user/' in any of [<Module>])

If the absence of this very basic pytest feature has ever been the source of frustration for you, you don't need to worry anymore. By installing the pytest-pytorch plugin with

pip install pytest-pytorch


conda install -c conda-forge pytest-pytorch

you get the default pytest experience back even if your workflow involves running tests from within your IDE!

Putting out the fire: Where do we start with accessibility in JupyterLab?

Multiple fires in an alternating pattern

JupyterLab Accessibility Journey Part 2

I want to be honest with you, I started asking accessibility questions in JupyterLab spaces while filled with anxiety. Anxiety that I was shouting into the void and no one else would work on accessibility with me. Anxiety that I didn’t have the skills or energy or knowledge to back up what I wanted to do. Anxiety that I was going to do it wrong and make JupyterLab even more inaccessible. Sometimes I still feel that way.

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Rethinking Jupyter Interactive Documentation

Jupyter Notebook first release was 8 years ago – under the IPython Notebook name at the time. Even if notebooks were not invented by Jupyter; they were definitely democratized by it. Being Web powered allowed development of many changes in the Datascience world. Objects now often expose rich representation; from Pandas dataframes with as html tables, to more recent Scikit-learn model.

Today I want to look into a topic that has not evolved much since, and I believe could use an upgrade. Accessing interactive Documentation when in a Jupyter session, and what it could become. At the end I'll link to my current prototype if you are adventurous.

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Spot the differences: what is new in Spyder 5?

Spyder 5 versus Spyder 4

In case you missed it, Spyder 5 was released at the beginning of April! This blog post is a conversation attempting to document the long and complex process of improving Spyder's UI with this release. Portions lead by Juanita Gomez are marked as Juanita, and those lead by Isabela Presedo-Floyd are marked as Isabela.

What did we do?

[Juanita] Spyder was created more than 10 years ago and it has had the contributions of a great number of developers who have written code, proposed ideas, opened issues and tested PRs in order to build a piece of Spyder on their own. We (the Spyder team) have been lucky to have such a great community of people contributing throughout the years, but this is the first time that we decided to ask for help from an UX/UI expert! Why? You might wonder. Having the contributions of this great amount of people has resulted in inconsistencies around Spyder’s interface which we didn’t stop to analyze until now.

When Isabela joined Quansight, we realized that we had an opportunity of improving Spyder’s interface with her help. We thought her skill set was everything we needed to make Spyder’s UI better. So we started by reviewing the results of a community survey from a few months ago and realized that some of the most common feedback from users is related to its interface (very crowded, not consistent, many colors). This is why we decided to start a joint project with Isabela, (who we consider now part of the Spyder team) called Spyder 5!!!

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A step towards educating with Spyder

As a community manager in the Spyder team, I have been looking for ways of involving more users in the community and making Spyder useful for a larger number of people. With this, a new idea came: Education.

For the past months, we have been wondering with the team whether Spyder could also serve as a teaching-learning platform, especially in this era where remote instruction has become necessary. We submitted a proposal to the Essential Open Source Software for Science (EOSS) program of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, during its third cycle, with the idea of providing a simple way inside Spyder to create and share interactive tutorials on topics relevant to scientific research. Unfortunately, we didn’t get this funding, but we didn’t let this great idea die.

We submitted a second proposal to the Python Software Foundation from which we were awarded $4000. For me, this is the perfect opportunity for us to take the first step towards using Spyder for education.

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PyTorch TensorIterator Internals - 2021 Update

For contributors to the PyTorch codebase, one of the most commonly encountered C++ classes is TensorIterator. TensorIterator offers a standardized way to iterate over elements of a tensor, automatically parallelizing operations, while abstracting device and data type details.

In April 2020, Sameer Deshmukh wrote a blog article discussing PyTorch TensorIterator Internals. Recently, however, the interface has changed significantly. This post describes how to use the current interface as of April 2021. Much of the information from the previous article is directly copied here, but with updated API calls and some extra details.

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Accessibility: Who's Responsible?

Fingers and question marks pointing in every direction

JupyterLab Accessibility Journey Part 1

For the past few months, I've been part of a group of people in the JupyterLab community who've committed to start chipping away at the many accessibility failings of JupyterLab. I find this work is critical, fascinating, and a learning experience for everyone involved. So I'm going to document my personal experience and lessons I've learned in a series of blog posts. Welcome!

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Enhancements to Numba's guvectorize decorator

Starting from Numba 0.53, Numba will ship with an enhanced version of the @guvectorize decorator. Similar to the @vectorize decorator, @guvectorize now has two modes of operation:

  • Eager, or decoration-time compilation and
  • Lazy, or call-time compilation

Before, only the eager approach was supported. In this mode, users are required to provide a list of concrete supported types beforehand as its first argument. Now, this list can be omitted if desired and as one calls it, Numba dynamically generates new kernels for previously unsupported types.

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Python packaging in 2021 - pain points and bright spots

At Quansight we have a weekly "Q-share" session on Fridays where everyone can share/demo things they have worked on, recently learned, or that simply seem interesting to share with their colleagues. This can be about anything, from new utilities to low-level performance, from building inclusive communities to how to write better documentation, from UX design to what legal & accounting does to support the business. This week I decided to try something different: hold a brainstorm on the state of Python packaging today.

The ~30 participants were mostly from the PyData world, but not exclusively - it included people with backgrounds and preferences ranging from C, C++ and Fortran to JavaScript, R and DevOps - and with experience as end-users, packagers, library authors, and educators. This blog post contains the raw output of the 30-minute brainstorm (only cleaned up for textual issues) and my annotations on it (in italics) which capture some of the discussion during the session and links and context that may be helpful. I think it sketches a decent picture of the main pain points of Python packaging for users and developers interacting with the Python data and numerical computing ecosystem.

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Making SciPy's Image Interpolation Consistent and Well Documented

SciPy n-dimensional Image Processing

SciPy's ndimage module provides a powerful set of general, n-dimensional image processing operations, categorized into areas such as filtering, interpolation and morphology. Traditional image processing deals with 2D arrays of pixels, possibly with an additional array dimension of size 3 or 4 to represent color channel and transparency information. However, there are many scientific applications where we may want to work with more general arrays such as the 3D volumetric images produced by medical imaging methods like computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or biological imaging approaches such as light sheet microscopy. Aside from spatial axes, such data may have additional axes representing other quantities such as time, color, spectral frequency or different contrasts. Functions in ndimage have been implemented in a general n-dimensional manner so that they can be applied across 2D, 3D or more dimensions. A more detailed overview of the module is available in the SciPy ndimage tutorial. SciPy's image functions are also used by downstream libraries such as scikit-image to implement higher-level algorithms for things like image restoration, segmentation and registration.

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