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Announcing Scientific Python Accessibility Events

Published September 5, 2024



Isabela Presedo-Floyd

I am happy to announce two upcoming public events focused on helping the scientific Python ecosystem develop their accessibility skills before the new year. Supported by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s Essential Open-source Software for Science grants, these events pair with the Scientific Python project to address popularly requested accessibility recommendations and gaps the team has found working in the ecosystem.

What’s happening at these events?

Each event has its own theme and will cover different, though overlapping, accessibility considerations. You can attend one or both events, no prerequisites required.

Accessibility in your digital day-to-day

For anyone who spends part of their day online, figuring out how to incorporate accessibility can leave many question marks, including how to get started. If you can find it at all, advice is often vague enough (or so overwhelmingly detailed) to make action impossible. This event is designed to align practical examples of day-to-day digital activities—like making a calendar invite or sending things to your friends—with small habits that can make identifying and remedying accessibility pitfalls clear. All in the style of a choose-your-own-adventure story with audience polling!

When: Tuesday, 1 October, 2024 at 8 AM Pacific Time (in your timezone)

What attendees should know: No prior knowledge needed.

Register for the first event here

Data visualization and accessibility

Data visualization is a varied and complex topic that draws on many disciplines. Many have advised on ways to make data visualizations more inclusive of people who are blind or low vision and/or deaf or hard of hearing. This event will compile existing recommendations to provide an abbreviated guide to the what and why behind making data visualizations available to more people.

When: Tuesday, 15 October, 2024 at 8 AM Pacific Time (in your timezone)

What attendees should know: Basic knowledge of what a data visualization is and the names of common parts of them.

Register for the second event here

Who can attend?

Anyone interested in learning can attend by registering! While these events are tailored for people working with or on scientific Python projects, accessibility knowledge is helpful across communities.

I have other questions. Who do I contact?

For other questions regarding the events, please reach out to connect@quansight.com with the subject line "Scientific Python Accessibility Events."